Islam and Christianity

No two faith share as much closeness, in a complicated way, than Islam and Christianity. While Christianity is based on the belief that Jesus is the Messiah, though his being Messiah is associated his "being" God's Son, Islam shares the belief that Jesus was the long awaited Messiah.

In a matter of interpretations, most Muslims and Christians disagree on the how. For example, to Christianity, because "He was the Lamb of God, slaughtered for our salvation, He is the Messiah." In Islam, it is because he is not slaughtered that he is the Messiah. But on the issue of what a Messiah is supposed to be/do, Islam more agrees with Judaism than Christianity.

Thus, while Islam is the only religion that agrees with Christianity on many things -- surrounding Jesus -- it is quite different on how Islam sees those things. In Islam, Jesus is the Messiah who was not killed on the cross because God had taken his soul before the execution. Thus him being a Messiah is totally based on his being living. Christianity, on the other hand, is totally based on his dying. But Christianity shares the belief that he is living, though they believe he arose from the dead. So, it seems, Christianity and Islam are on total opposites on this issue.

Truth be told, when all is said and done, Islam is only faith that accepts in its scripture that Jesus is the Messiah. Making it the closest faith to Christianity! You would think this would bring Muslims and Christians closer. No. Many Muslims consider most Christians to be idolaters. Many Christianity consider most Muslims to be a bunch of infidels.

Now how do you change this? As always, by letting others believe what they want and accepting that they have as much right to believing what they believe as you do. This takes a lot of strength and we are sure you can make it happen. Humans are weak but strong. It is part of our contradictory nature. If we use our strength on the important things, maybe we can accept being weak on the not-so-important things. Perhaps, at the end of the day, we can be proud to have the important deals taken care of, right? Well, get to it, then. Reach out to a Christian today and let him be(or if you are Christian, do the same!)


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